Apply for CGA Housing
We accept applications for housing on a rolling basis. Please review the process before you send in applications. If you have any questions please call 718-243-2233
In each development’s cover letter, you will find information about the specific housing unit types available, as well as the household sizes allowed. Please read through the cover letters before filling out the corresponding applications. Applicants must meet the Housing Program and Tenant Selection requirements. Applicants with a housing subsidy or voucher are accepted.
722 Henry Street
Henry Street Cover Letter
Henry Street Application
Please return the completed application by mail to:
722 Henry Street Apartments HDFC
c/o GRC Management
168 39th Street, Suite 306
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Nelson Luquer
Nelson Luquer Cover Letter
Nelson Luquer Application
Please return the completed application by mail to:
Nelson Luquer HDFC
c/o GRC Management
168 39th Street, Suite 306
Brooklyn, NY 11232
South Brooklyn Renewal
South Brooklyn Cover Letter
South Brooklyn Housing Application
Please return the completed application by mail to:
South Brooklyn Renewal HDFC
c/o GRC Management
168 39th Street, Suite 306
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Red Hook Gardens
Red Hook Gardens Cover Letter
Red Hook Gardens Housing Application
Please return the completed application by mail to:
Red Hook Gardens LP
c/o GRC Management
168 39th Street, Suite 306
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Do not submit more than one application or copies of application.
Upon receipt of the application, your name will be added to the appropriate apartment size waiting list according to your family composition.