No Sleep Until Citizenship!

Rosemary Martinez, CGA's new Domestic Worker Organizer, spoke at a press conference today in front of Senator Schumer's home, demanding he lead Democrats to deliver on their promise to create a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants (Go to the 11 minute mark here for her powerful testimony, en espanol).

Rosemary Martinez, CGA's new Domestic Worker Organizer, spoke at a press conference today in front of Senator Schumer's home, demanding he lead Democrats to deliver on their promise to create a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants (Go to the 11 minute mark here for her powerful testimony, en espanol).

This week has already been full of action as we are in a critical moment fighting for citizenship for immigrants and expanding funding for excluded workers. On Tuesday we joined a rally calling on Governor Hochul to put more money into the Excluded Worker's Fund and today joined partners to kick off a week of action (including a four day sleep out!) demanding that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer keep his promises of including a pathway to citizenship in the budget reconciliation process. Check out some of the media coverage below.

We Demand New York Fully Fund Excluded Workers!

Since opening in August, more than 335,000 people have applied for the Excluded Workers Fund, and thousands more apply each day. Our organizing team sees firsthand the demand continue each day as we support domestic workers, delivery drivers, and construction workers apply. With the funds almost exhausted we call on Governor Hochul to sustain the fund to ensure that every excluded worker receives support.

Since opening in August, more than 335,000 people have applied for the Excluded Workers Fund, and thousands more apply each day. Our organizing team sees firsthand the demand continue each day as we support domestic workers, delivery drivers, and construction workers apply. With the funds almost exhausted we call on Governor Hochul to sustain the fund to ensure that every excluded worker receives support.


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