Updates from the NYC Care Campaign

Since the launch of the campaign in February, we have interviewed over 60 City Council candidates in 11 Districts across NYC, joined by over 600 participants. In addition to the Council candidate forums, we’ve interviewed Mayoral Candidates Maya Wiley and Kathryn Garcia (view all of our forum recordings here) and held a forum for Comptroller candidates. While building relationships with candidates and increasing awareness about the Care Campaign, we also launched six weeks of action to Pass Intro 339, which Council Speaker Corey Johnson still refuses to bring to a vote despite having a council majority supporting it. As part of the weeks of action, we are using storytelling, phone calls, a petition, and an upcoming in-person action to pressure Speaker Johnson. Read below for more updates and email bfgoogins@cganyc.org to get involved!

Six Weeks of Action to Pass Intro 339

Call CJ English.png

Pressuring Corey Johnson to Pass Intro 339

Domestic Workers remain excluded from New York City Human Rights Law as Corey Johnson refuses to bring Intro 339 to a vote. We are escalating tactics leading up to an in-person action on June 16th. Read more on how to get involved!


Welcoming New CGA Board Members!


Celebrating We Rise Nanny Training Graduates and launching a new Community Organizing Training!