Invest In Our New York
““This Pandemic has shown that essential workers who are often excluded from Federal aid are vital to keep this city running and to sustain the economy. Right now we are struggling to pay our bills, keep our homes, and feed our families. Taxing the super-wealthy is an urgent solution to providing the support we need to survive.”
- Kenya Williams, Domestic Worker, CGA Member”
We are thrilled to join over 100 grassroots, labor, and community organizations and elected officials to support the Invest In Our New York Act — a historic state legislative package to rebuild New York’s economy and end tax breaks for the wealthiest New Yorkers. The Invest In Our New York Act will represent the single largest measure taken to close New York’s inequality gap in decades, marking a massive reversal from years of austerity budgets that have decimated public schools, affordable housing, healthcare, immigrant workers, and localities, while providing tax breaks to the wealthiest New Yorkers.
Take Action!
If you’ll be participating in meetings with your legislators, you can use our Invest in Our New York lobby guide.
Sign and share our petition at Help us get to 6,000 signatures by next week!
Volunteer for our weekly phone banks! We’ll be calling thousands of New Yorkers and patching them through to their legislators from now to March 22nd to urge them to pass the Invest in Our New York Act.
Call your elected representatives TODAY and encourage them to support Invest in Our New York through our Phone to Action tool.
Donate to the campaign! In order to raise revenue for the state, we need some of that ourselves. Every donation helps us continue this work.