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Join us this Friday to March for Citizenship!

Immigrant rights leaders, progressive activists and community leaders are marching across New York City to demand that Democrats finally fulfill their promises to pass comprehensive immigration reform! The march will be a total of 11 miles starting at Central Park, NYC and going to Senator Schumer's home in Brooklyn. The 11 miles symbolize the 11 million immigrants in the United States who deserve a pathway to citizenship.

New Yorkers are tired of hearing about how essential immigrants are and we want to see action happen NOW. No more waiting, no more discussions, it’s time for Senator Chuck Schumer and Democrats in Congress to deliver on all the campaign commitments they've made. We will not wait any longer and need Congress to act now!

Date: Friday, November 12th, 9:00 AM* Kick-Off, 4:00 PM* Closing Rally


- Start at 301 Frederick Douglass Cir (W. 110th Street & Central Park West) New York, NY 10026

- End at Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11215

*Times are estimated based on the pace of the march route but flexibility is appreciated.

November 11

NYC Care Campaign Meeting

November 13

We Make History Session 11 + 12